MyWorkShift, an online employee scheduling platform, approached me after having parted ways with a few other developers and development firms. For them, I restored some broken functionality, finished some in-progress features, and generally tied together mismatched efforts from previous work. I also implemented a new home page design and blog and integrated social buttons and Facebook commenting for the blog. If you have a project that has been in-progress for some time but isn't getting any closer to the finish line, let me know. I'd love to finish the job!
Axiom Practice Management was burning extra man-hours accounting for a lack of integration between their clients' point of sale / scheduling platform (Cloud9Ortho) and their accounting software (Sage 500). Using a small set of tools, I tied the two together such that all financials from Cloud9Ortho automatically post transactions and batches to Sage and sends a daily status report to interested parties. Could you be saving time and money if only A talked to B? Let me know; I'm a great translator.
Cantrell Drug Company, a fast growing compounding pharmacy, asked me to assist in easing some of their technology growing pains. I've been assisting Cantrell Drug in transitioning to a new dynamic label generation software working behind the scenes to capture and analyze the inner-workings of their existing solution and translating the information to be usable by the new software.
Pedigree1 - What started as a favor for the guys at quickly transitioned in to a personal project. Pedigree1 is a web app for generating dog pedigrees. It offers basic input assistance to speed the process and provides you with a PDF of your completed pedigree as well as storing the pedigree with a unique link that may be sent to others for viewing. Though in use, this site is still in active development.
Ken Young Company had a moderately functional website designed in 1998. As minor content changes were needed, they emailed the developer and waited (and waited) on a response to have the changes made. For them, I designed and developed a modern and fully functional website including a mobile-specific version, a custom content management system, and tied in Google Plus photos (formerly Picasa Web) as the source of all images on their site, allowing them to add/modify/delete on their own.